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Good morning, Dr. Jay. I am really touched by the beauty and the genius work you do. Yesterday's session was the ultimate so far. It felt beyond anything I can describe, but I'll say this: I found my true essence again, and it ignited my purpose which is to be the light and do the work/play I was appointed to do and that is love spirit and love life. We make it so hard, but it doesn't have to be.  Trying to put into words the journey I had yesterday would dilute its sacredness, and I don't want to water it down. I just want to be with it. You must have been chosen by the gods to come to earth and alter all that are fortunate for the greater good of mankind, and that blows my mind. I am
forever grateful of the healing you gave our family and I feel you will always be a part of us. You're in my heart forever and I feel blessed. I actually don't just feel it I know it. You are a precious Gem. Wow.               

– Kristin Kitchen/Santa Barbara

I did a somatic yoga class with breath work and movement to music and when I closed my eyes all I could see was all the sacred geometry shapes you did on me. There was golden light and a night sky with stars at all the points, real stars! I wish everyone could experience this release of trauma and return to their essence.  

- Blaire/Newport Beach

Dr. Jay, I have no idea what you had in those little pills you had me take last weekend!  It was a very emotional weekend for me. That session with you, both with the Acupuncture and your words opened a part of me that I had locked away for a very long time, it was a rough weekend – I let go of a lifetime of denial. I became extremely vulnerable and fragile.  I allowed others to be strong for me while I fell apart.  In the end, I came out of the weekend even more powerful yet softer, and most importantly, happier!  Thank you again and again for ALWAYS being there for me.  You are extremely important and special to me.

Mia/Costa Mesa



Dr. Jay,  I met you when I was barely alive during chemo.  You brought me back to life.  But over 15 years, you have kept me going and living.  But this month you gave me a gift of "a life"!  A powerful, authentic, courageous life that is finally all mine.  I love you Dr. Jay!  ♥️♥️♥️

Helen/Newport Beach


Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that’s usually caused by an autoimmune problem. This lady was suffering from facial paralysis, drooping of eyelid and difficulty swallowing, neuropathy and restless legs and sleep loss. After a few weeks of treatments, her condition improved by 95%. Homeopathic remedy Aurum, Lachesis, Kali ph, Agaric were prescribed as well as acupuncture



Bell's Palsy/Facial Paralysis

This lady had been seen by an urgent care physician and a neurologist with no relief right after Thanksgiving holidays.

She lost the nerve function on the left side of the face.

She went into remission of the symptoms after 6 consecutive acupuncture treatments.


I have been a patient of Dr. Jay Chung @ Back to Basics , for several months. Dr Jay's work has changed my life on many levels.
I recently went to him for  some emotional healing work, the results were amazing and the healing has had a profound effect on me.
During the session I felt  a very peaceful angelic presence around me , my heart was very open, I felt compassion, I felt lifted, lighter peaceful.
The tears  were unstoppable , not out of pain or sadness or even joy , it was and is a confirmation of something bigger than myself, my sense is  that "all is ok in the universe however it appears."

I  am not trying to figure it out or compare it to anything , it is so pure and profound and freeing.  I'm trusting the effects and knowing  that what has transpired is some organic truth of the universe.

It is a feeling I have never experienced, not able to touch or hold on to it .  the feeling is all encompassing. Dr. Jay's healing goes beyond anything I have ever experienced

Rhon K. - Corona Del Mar

Klebsiella Bacterial infection

A 79 year old lady was suffering from Klebsiella bacterial infection after her skin cancer on the right leg got surgically removed 9 months ago. Various specialists have tried all known antibiotics for 7 months but to no avail.

The patient finally had stopped conventional medicines and started acupuncture and herbal medicines in L.A area for another 2 months to no avail again.

The patient was refered to me by her daughter and received first treatment on Jul. 9th, 2020. I used Hepar sulph 200c, Pyrogenium 200c, and staphylococcinum 200c.

Her condition improved by 90-95% within 3 weeks.


My experience with Back to Basics has been exceptional. Your first experience as you enter the office you are greeted by Nicole at the front desk she is a lovely pleasant person and she has the most genuine smile that makes you want to smile all day. My purpose of going to Back to Basics was to be treated by Dr. Jay Chung for acupuncture, I was experiencing physical pain, he asked me a few questions and he was able to feel and know that I had deep emotional pain /grief. Dr. Jay is a very aware and intuitive doctor, he is compassionate, sincere and caring, he listens and is very present with his patient, he works from high integrity, and he is impeccable in his work, his homeopathic medicine, and other modalities support healing on an elevated level. I have more energy, I am healthier and I feel a deep happiness. I found an acupuncturist, a homeopathic doctor and a spiritual teacher all in one. I deeply appreciate Dr. Jay's dedication and commitment to being a true healer and serving on a profound level.

Veronica - Corona Delmar

Nervous squinting, blinking &

Facial Tic after stroke.


He got 3 treatments with acupuncture and homeopathic medicines. Watch before and after videos.

The homeopathic remedies I used were Staphysagria 1m, Plantago 200c, and Zinc 200c.

HMA acupuncture performed for the Tripple Burner and the Stomach meridians on 3 consequitive visits.


squint 1
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squint 2
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I found that my over all experience was way out of the box. Dr Jay is a gifted Healer, teacher, guru if you will. he will get to the root of the problem fast and it will be healed. Very well played indeed. It was an honor.

- Steve L./Reiki Master,    Laguna Niguel

My mom and I feel extremely lucky to have found this place and especially Dr J, an acupuncturist that doesn't just heal you from the outside but also within. His methods are very unique as I've never heard or experienced anything like it. I just know one thing they work better than we could have ever imagined!

My mom was experiencing neck & back pain and couldn't move much, Dr J really helped her go from a lot of pain to very shortly after not very much.
Since then we have recommended and taken our family and friends, he truly cares for not only your physical pain but internal. The trauma/sadness/issues from childhood, etc.. Dr J was really able to help my grandmother, not only with her back pain but also with anger suppression, unhappiness and much more.
Highly recommend Dr J to everyone. Skip your therapist and go see him!

- Kristina M./ Fashion Designer,      Huntington Beach

Herniated disc

This patient had severe pain in her lower back and left leg due to 7 mm of herniated disc at L4-5. She has had 2 epidural injections from her orthopedic, which only slightly relieved her pain. After the 3rd injection on Apr. 4, 2012 her condition got 100 times worse and she could not sit or stand for more than a few minutes without pain. Her range of motion in bending over was limited to less than 10 degrees.The infrared thermograph picture shows severe inflammations on her lumbar (white spots). After Holographic Meridian Acupuncture treatment she was able to markedly increase her range in motion.

HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5

HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5
HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5 part 1 (1st visit)

HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5 part 1 (1st visit)

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HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5 part 2 (2nd visit)

HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5 part 2 (2nd visit)

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HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5  part 3 (4th visit)

HMA for herniated Disc (7 mm) @ L4-5 part 3 (4th visit)

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Autoimmune Disease


My son was treated by Dr. Jay Chung. He was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease and his symptoms included inflammation of various bones, pain, loss of appetite and extreme fatigue. Dr. Jay started treatment with acupuncture, herbal medicine and homeopathic remedies. After a few weeks my son no longer needed to take painkillers, and over a period of time he was feeling better and better. His overall energy and well-being improved considerably. My son is doing amazingly better now.

Eventually Dr. Jay treated my whole family with various issues. With every physical problem there was usually a deep-seated emotional problem he was able to identify and address. His extensive knowledge of homeopathic remedies combined with deep understanding of human soul enables him to get to the core of the problem and match the right remedy with a specific personality or issue. This combined with his unique therapeutic skills and his ability to help a patient to change a view on life makes his healing treatment a truly life changing experience.

Jay is kind, caring, and will go the extra mile to help a patient. He was probably the only one who was able to help us when traditional medicine had no solution.
I highly recommend his services for any health problem, ranging from physical through stress-related to emotional.

Marcela Yagi/San Clemente

Family Constellation practitioner


Scoliosis pain treated with Holographic Meridian Acupuncture. The patient had ongoing pain after she stopped taking vicodin at a pain level of 9 on a scale from 1-10. She reported her pain level as 0 after 30 mins of treatment. Even though the curvature of the spine cannot be reversed, it is pretty simple to control the pain with Holographic Meridian Acupuncture.

Diverticulitis treated with acupuncture and homeopathy 

"After 4 yrs of horrible pain, I rarely have pain. No one could diagnose my problem until I saw Dr. Chung. He has taught me so much."

-Carolyn | Healer, Psychic empath,    Tustin, CA

Trigger finger

This patient had a "trigger finger" (stenosing tenosynovitis). In mainstream medicine, this condition is normally treated with an anti-inflammatory shot or surgery. However it responds immediately to Holographic Meridian Acupuncture.

Trigger finger treatment

Trigger finger treatment
Trigger finger treatment with HMA part1

Trigger finger treatment with HMA part1

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Trigger finger treatment with HMA part2

Trigger finger treatment with HMA part2

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Urinary tract infection (UTI)

"My dog started showing classic symptoms of a UTI, with frequent urination every few minutes and bloody urine. Being a Sunday, all the local veterinary offices were closed, and the next day was a holiday, so I would have been unable to seek treatment for my dog for several days. However, I also knew from previous experience that a vet would prescribe an antibiotic for 1-2 weeks. Luckily Dr. Jay was able to resolve Tilly's symptoms immediately, in a matter of one day, by administering only 2 doses of a homeopathic remedy called Sarsaparilla 30c. Thank you Dr. Jay for healing my dog quickly and treating her when nobody else could!"

-Hannah | Irvine, CA

Degenerative sacrolumbar sciatica

This patient had low mobility of her legs due to degenerative sacrolumbar sciatica. After one session of acupuncture, she was able to improve her range of motion from 45 degrees to 90 degrees.

Degenerative sacrolumbar sciatica

Degenerative sacrolumbar sciatica


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Ulcerative colitis/IBS

This lady (50 yrs) was suffering from typical symptoms of Colitis and IBS. The 1st colonoscopy taken before she started getting my treatments shows “LARGE ULCER AT IC (ileocecal) Valve” in multiple places as dark matters.

The 2nd colonoscopy taken after 9 weeks of weekly treatments with acupuncture and homeopathic medicines shows a clear colon without dark spots found on the previous colonoscopy. The Internist confirmed a “normal colon” after multiple biopsies.

The homeopathic remedies I used with these acupuncture treatments are Aloe 200c, Ars 200c and Stramonium 1M.

Yelp Reviews


"Dear  Dr. Jay,

I have been meaning to write and say thank you for several months.  I don't know if you remember me from last year when you treated me for infertility and I went to your hometown in Korea for a visit. Well, after your treatments and praying at a Korean temple in Korea, it happened: I am 21 weeks pregnant. All looks great so far and she is healthy as far as the tests show. Please pass on my story of hope to those who you feel will benefit. Thanks again for a miracle, literally."


-Chaundra | Attorney,     San Clemente, CA




I am a 40  year resident of Newport Beach,  Among the toughest consumer markets in the United States to impress.  Dr. Jay Chung at Back to Basics is truly a modern day healer.  He is completely professional, and completely miraculous.  I initially went to Back to Basics for massage therapy for my neck, back and general trauma from a moderate car accident.  However, my first visit was with Dr. Jay Chung for acupuncture, he has helped me with my physical injuries and pre existing arthritis in my hands on a scale from 1-10 my pain has diminished 8.5 after only 4 visits and I mean a true 8.5 out of 10 improvement.  More than my physical issues, Dr. Jay Chung has used acupuncture and his extensive teachings and experience to completely revolutionize my emotions, worrying, depression and anxiety.  He has and is continuing to eradicate my deep seeded negative thought process and replace with rational, uplifting self loving thinking and living process.  On a scale of 1 - 10 regarding my emotions and spirituality Dr. Jay Chung has/is helping me more than a 10.  I am very grateful I have found him, he is changing my life in the most amazing ways with every visit.  Please consider a visit to him, it will be one of the most amazing things you can do for yourself and those who love you.




Happy T./Costa Mesa


I have been to chiropractors, therapist, etc etc for the past 10 years, none have I found can do the work that the people at Back to Basics provide. They are just AMAZING!!!!

Dr. Tom is fantastic, Star (Massage) is the best I've ever had, and Jay (Acupuncture) is life changing!!!!

Best of all they are constantly communicating with each other to ensure that the patient is getting the best service each and every time.My mother in law and husband are now big fans as well!!!

This is one place I can't stop talking about and recommending to people. Make the visit you won't be disappointed!!!


Yomari R/Santa Ana



My daughter has been seeing Dr. Chung for acupuncture for a variety of problems and comes home just gushing about how much better she feels because of his treatment.  I have never had acupuncture before but after seeing the results of her treatment with him, I'm signing up to do it myself.  His herbal medicine has solved some health problems she has had her entire life.  Amazing.


Danielle D./Newport Beach

This is the only Dr. That actually improves my physical condition and right away.  I was jn horrible pain for 4 yrs and the western drs. couldnt do anything for me, let alone disgnose.  Dr. J Chung is patient, through and provides effective treatment..  The office is very organized and sends out emails or texts to remind me of an appointment.

Carolyn M./Seal Beach

I have been going to Back to Basics for years and I love everyone there! The entire staff is amazing offering acupuncture, chiropractic care and massages! I have had incredible results with the acupuncture with Dr. Jay Chung, he is the best!

Cheri H./Newport Beach

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