Jay Chung, LAc., CHom., PhD. is an experienced acupuncturist, herbalist, Applied Kinesiologist (ICAK), CranioSacral therapist (Upledger Inst.), a practitioner of Classical Homeopathy and vibrational medicine. He has studied Classical Homeopathy, Vithoulkas school of Homeopathy, Sankaran school of homeopathy, and Chinese, Korean, Japanese style of acupuncture, Neuro Acupuncture, Tung’s acupuncture, Taoist acupuncture, Five Element acupuncture, etc.
Dr. Jay also has studied and practiced Quantum radionic healing for 20 years. He holds a Master’s degree in TCM (DULA) and has a PhD in Integrative medicine (IQUIM).
Since he received Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture knowledge from Atun-Re, he practices and teaches this new paradigm of acupuncture in Newport Beach, California.